thyroid + hormone health
Why is an optimal thyroid and balanced hormonal system so important?
Your hormones communicate to every cell in your body. They are largely responsible for good sleep, healthy energy, balanced moods, and an optimal metabolism. Your hormonal system is a complicated symphony of several players all working together.
You have several hormone glands and hormone producing organs that all balance and regulate one another. Affecting one hormone or hormone producing organ affects all the rest of the hormones in the body. This balance has a huge impact on your overall well-being and living your best life.
As Naturopathic physicians we understand and treat the body as a whole. We understand and address the complicated interaction and balance of your hormones and their effect on the whole body. We look at the brain-gut-immune-hormone communication and interaction. We address the effects that adrenal and male/female hormone imbalance has on thyroid health and visa versa. We know the effects of diet, sleep, stress, and exercise on hormone health and balance. We educate you on how important gut microbiome health and nutrition is to optimal hormone function. We use in-depth, comprehensive serum and urine hormone testing to assess hormone levels and hormone metabolism. We use a variety of diet and lifestyle modification, nutritional support, botanical medicine and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to help support, balance and repair hormone dysfunction. We do yearly continuing education to stay on top of newest research, testing and therapies for thyroid and hormone health. At Evergreen Naturopathic, we are knowledgeable, passionate and focused on your hormone health.