Chronic Inflammation + Infections
CHRONIC INFLAMMATION: What is it and what are the common symptoms?
Chronic inflammation is akin to one’s immune system becoming dysregulated and fighting an uphill battle against infection, environmental irritants/toxins, or constantly repairing damaged tissues. The most prominent symptoms include:
• Chronic fatigue and diminished physical stamina
• Brain fog or cognitive impairment
• Digestive changes
• Pain or altered sensation in joints, muscles, or nerves
• Increased susceptibility to other infections and/or sensitivity to foods and environmental triggers
Among the many sources of chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation, the most common causes are often acquired chronic infections and the autoimmune/autoinflammatory conditions that frequently follow.
Chronic infection may result from a single infectious agent (e.g., Epstein-Barr virus, Mycoplasma, Babesia, Candida, etc.) or complexes of multiple co-infections (e.g., Lyme disease, etc.). These chronic infections can often present with very different symptoms than the initial infection and can significantly overlap, making the diagnostic process much more challenging.
In addition, the longer one wrestles with prolonged infections, the higher probability there is for the immune system to become dysfunctional and begin attacking one’s self-tissue resulting in myriad autoimmune/autoinflammatory conditions (e.g., Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc.).
The sheer complexity of these chronic conditions, which people are often dealing with for years before a diagnosis, often requires more comprehensive laboratory testing than is usually performed in a primary care setting. Likewise, these multifaceted conditions often require equally dynamic and integrative treatments that are personalized to each patient’s particular needs.
Foundational Naturopathic Care – Naturopathic primary care lays the groundwork by emphasizing the essential and critical nature of supporting the innate self-healing potential that is vital to our humanity. Personalized nutritional assessment, lifestyle adjustments, sleep quality, and appropriate stress coping mechanisms are fundamental to this core tenet of Naturopathic Medicine.
Whole-Body Detoxification – One of the most indispensable therapies in supporting the clearance of infections, toxins, and inflammation from the body is the process known as detoxification (i.e. – strengthening the pathways and organs responsible for binding and eliminating irritants). This process begins with the removal of common toxins from foods, beverages, and household products. It also includes physical therapies like contrast hydrotherapy and sauna modalities to improve circulation and lymphatic flow, while inducing the sweating out of toxins that impede healing.
Targeted Condition-Specific Therapies – There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all protocol for recovery from chronic inflammatory conditions. Therefore, each patient requires and deserves a personalized treatment plan that considers their unique physiologic needs and the personal history that brought them to this point. Targeted therapies may include species-specific antimicrobial treatments (whether pharmaceutical or botanical in nature), nutraceutical guidance for retraining the immune system, natural anti-inflammatory supports, and intravenous nutrient therapy, to name a few.
Regardless of your diagnosis, you will be presented with a care plan tailored to your needs and encouraged to maintain an active role in your healing process.