IV (Intravenous) Therapy and the Benefits

What is IV Therapy and is it a good solution for your health & wellness goals?

IV Therapy (IVT) is a way of deeply nourishing your body with hydrating fluids and targeted nutrients for the restoration of resilience or preparation for what is to come. Combinations of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other select ingredients are formulated to your personalized needs. Whether you are seeking to prepare your body for that adventurous weekend ahead, fend off the symptoms of an infection that refuses to let go, or simply support yourself through a season of stress & strain (physically, mentally, and emotionally), a hydrating infusion may be just what you’re looking for.

What nutrients may be included in an IV infusion?

While each infusion is customized to your unique medical needs, your formula may include nutrients like: Vitamin C, B-vitamins, electrolyte blends (magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.), zinc, and/or synergistic amino acids (like carnitine, taurine, and M.I.C. to name a few). 

Tell me more about some of the benefits.

  1. Recovery from the Effects of Dehydration - Do you know anyone in your circle who truly drinks enough water to keep them fully hydrated? Dry skin, fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, and muscle/joint pain are only a few of the all too common signs & symptoms of dehydration. An IVT session efficiently bathes each of your cells in the fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients that will allow your tissues to thrive.

  2. Cellular Immune Support - Have you been having difficulty clearing those lingering symptoms from a recent infection? Fatigue, brain fog & loss of concentration, and lethargy have been some of the most common symptoms that persist after a single or recurrent infection. High doses of vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and a combination of B vitamins lay the foundational groundwork for your immune recovery and cellular energy production that your healing body needs.

  3. Optimized Resilience - Targeted nutritional therapies may be the key to reducing the pain & soreness that often accompanies both acute and chronic inflammation. High doses of vitamin C and magnesium, for example, repair damaged tissues and relax overly tense muscles while directing the immune system toward the sources of chronic inflammatory conditions like autoimmune disease and stealth infections.

  4. Bypasses the Issue of Malabsorption in the Gastrointestinal Tract - Many patients have been trying long-term oral supplementation to restore their nutrient balance without success due to chronic digestive complaints and inflammatory conditions. As a participant in your wellness team, our goal is to support you nutritionally while improving your digestion and minimize the inflammation associated with nutritional deficiency.

  5. Replacement of Specific Nutrients - Iron and B vitamins are key nutrients that are often associated with poor absorption through your digestive tract, which can easily lend itself to different versions of anemia, fatigue, and systemic symptoms (i.e. - headaches, restlessness, and muscle soreness). While we concentrate your care on discovering why you personally have these conditions of nutrient deficiencies, targeted and timely infusions can be a great step forward on your healing journey.

IV Therapy is not necessarily for everyone and does require an investment of time (30-60 minutes on average). If you are looking for some of the same benefits of nutrient therapies can be achieved by intramuscular (IM) injections of smaller dosages, which supply many of these key nutrients in a time-release manner. These IM injections take less than 10 minutes to provide and some of them may be prescribed for at-home self-injections for your convenience (after an in-office educational session if one were so inclined).

If you are interested in augmenting and optimizing your health and wellness goals, call our office to schedule a consultation or ask your practitioner at your next appointment about how these therapies may support your wellness moving forward.

**Medical Disclaimer** Please note that the information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog post.

Paul Terrell