Detoxification and the Alignment of Self-Care

What does Detoxification really mean?

As a physiological/biochemical term, detoxification is the process by which your body disables and eliminates materials that would otherwise be harmful to you. These toxic materials include everything from your body’s own cellular metabolic waste products (that you are producing all the time) to heavy metals, molds/mycotoxins, inflammatory agents produced by infectious pathogens, and virally-infected cells to name a few. Your body possesses multiple organs that are specifically designed to assist in the detoxification process - your lungs, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, lymphatic vessels, and skin to name the primary systems. It is the integration of this multi-organ system that facilitates the cleansing of your body throughout your daily life.

How would I know if I needed detoxification support?

Symptoms of excess toxin burden or sluggish elimination processes vary widely from person to person but reflect an internal lethargy that primarily affects the major organs of elimination:

  • SKIN - Chronic or recurrent rashes, acne, itchiness, increased sweating/body odor.

  • DIGESTION (Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract) - Constipation or loose bowel movements, gas/bloating, abdominal cramping, and malabsorption.

  • KIDNEYS - Recurrent urinary tract infections, odorous urination, urinary urgency.

  • LYMPHATIC SYSTEM - Swelling, bodily heaviness, feeling of puffiness.

  • LUNGS - Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, air hunger.

  • SYSTEMIC - Brain fog, anxiety, headache, fatigue, achiness, high blood pressure, inability to lose weight.

Where do I start?

The most foundational element of detoxification is to reduce and eliminate the sources of toxic materials before they enter your body: Be mindful of the foods that you eat and sourcing the cleanest, least herbicide/pesticide burdened nourishment for you and your family including fresh organic produce (consider the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15” lists developed annually by the Environmental Working Group []), pure filtered water for optimal hydration, grass-fed/free-range/wild caught/hormone-free animal-based consumables, and asking your Naturopathic Physician about how to formulate the right nutritional plan for your unique needs. Likewise, seek out the cleanest hygiene and cleaning products for your personal use in order to leave as little toxic residue on your body and in your home as possible.

The next level is to remember that proper detoxification is a lifestyle rather than a periodic cleanse. Therefore, focusing on the daily activities and perceptions that you can adopt in an effort to simplify the process of supporting your body’s resilience to both internal and external stressors placed upon you. Targeted nutritional supplementation coupled with organ-specific therapies as appropriate can be perfect synergists with adaptive self-care measures directed at eliminating harmful elements from your life.

What else can I do to support detoxification and elimination?

With a personalized nourishment plan in place that helps you avoid known inflammatory foods and environmental triggers, you can then take the next step of cleansing your body of harmful elements that have built up over time. One of the best organ systems to start with is your gastrointestinal tract, which arguably forms the primary drainage pathway in your body. It is always best to discuss therapeutic options with your personal clinician who knows your overall case and can help you personalize the care that you receive; however, such a starting point may combine a cleansing of your digestive tract with effective microbial support to optimize your microbiome and binding excess toxins before they may be recycled into your body.

The next layer of systemic support revolves around reduction of stagnation in your tissues that is often associated with worsening of your overall toxic burden. Asking your personal clinician for insight into developing an exercise or movement routine that is appropriate for your current condition with your wellness goals in mind is an excellent place to start. This movement is crucial for improving not only your circulatory flow but also for flushing the often overburdened lymphatic vessels that require muscular contraction to elicit flow.

One of the very best ways to help facilitate this systemic flow can come in multiple forms of self-care as well (in no particular order):

  • Epsom Salt Baths - The warmth and absorbed nutrients of this full-body form of hydrotherapy may become an essential part of your new self-care routine. This highly absorbable form of magnesium helps to relax sore muscles and dilate blood vessels (especially the smaller vessels that may be holding back the movement of toxins out of your tissues so they can be processed and eliminated).

  • Cryotherapy / Cold-Water Hydrotherapy - Cold-water versions of hydrotherapy have been gaining popularity recently for multiple reasons. One of the important highlights of this therapeutic option in this context is that the cold water stimulates your body to upregulate its internal heat production, which can modulate your immune system and trigger your adipose tissue (fat cells) to release toxins and fatty acids for metabolic use instead of keeping them stored.

  • Sauna / Infrared Sauna Therapies - Heat and sauna therapies have been utilized for various purposes throughout human history. Stimulating a controlled session of hyperthermia can help you fight off a chronic or recurrent infection (like a highly effective low-grade fever without the negative associations of being ill), prime your circulatory system for movement (like a solid cardiovascular workout without the potential stress on your joints), and stimulate a deep sweat, which simultaneously facilitates the elimination of toxins of all kinds.

Some local facilities may offer one of these therapies for your use; however, these therapies have been found to be most effective when combined in a circuit during the same session to maximize the pathways of detoxification and whole-body relaxation. Remember to maintain thorough hydration with balanced electrolyte support whenever you are engaging in detoxification practices of this kind in order to completely flush toxins out of your body and replenish water loss.

Be reminded that you need to discuss these therapies with your personal clinician before participating in order to make sure that they are appropriate for your particular case as certain medical conditions may be contraindicated until they are brought under better management of disease.

**Medical Disclaimer** Please note that the information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog post.

Paul Terrell